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Thank you, to those of you who have taken the time to follow THOUGHT-R-THINGS; I invite others to do the same. My desire for all of us is peace, prosperity and LIGHT; however, if its to be, it's up to the collective "WE" (working effectively)

Monday, August 2, 2010

What's That Odor?!

I can remember as a youth growing up, being addressed on a regular basis,
with "Oh you must think your sh*t don't stink". There were a multitude of reasons for the question/statement/insinuation...

  1. I walked around in my own little world, therefore, it was common for me to walk right pass people as if they were apart of the air...

  2. As a member of my family clan, it was mandatory that each member (especially youths) excel at something, read everything and communicate with authority

  3. I was very particular about a lot of things including what I consumed...

Little did I know that like so many other public opinions that remark had less to do with me than those that were making it. Our feces, isn't suppose to stink. Our breath is not suppose have a bad odor. Body odor should have an earthy pheromone scent to it. Maybe, that is why many are drawn to scents such as musk, white sage and pheromone these and other odors make us feel good, make us want to snuggle up close and just drink in the person's aroma.

On the other hand, how many of US have entered a bathroom after a user and wanted to throw up, because of the foul and putrid order that was left behind...all too often WE begin to think of this order along with bad breath and body odor as normal and therefore we spend thousands of dollars buying products to disguise the offensive odors. Oh by the way, that offensive odor is in part coming from foods in your digestive system that have NOT digested...You know foods like over-processed fake foods, white sugars and starches and hormones induced meats.

Save yourself some money not to mention chemical induced headaches..and begin to drink lots of water, eat raw(colorful salads) at least once a day and roughage type fruits.

So that the next time someone say to you, "You think your sh*t don't stink", you can remarked right back.."I know my stuff is tight...You want to take a whiff.

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