It is my extreme pleasure to welcome you to Thoughts-R-Thingss. Please come often,make comments and suggestions and by all means tell others. All feedback are welcome (negative & positive).

Thank you, to those of you who have taken the time to follow THOUGHT-R-THINGS; I invite others to do the same. My desire for all of us is peace, prosperity and LIGHT; however, if its to be, it's up to the collective "WE" (working effectively)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Show me while you tell me

What we have, began with our THOUGHTS.
If we do not control our thoughts, how will we control our actions or emotions?

What is the difference between what we get and what we envisioned? How many times will 60 go into 10,000 hours? When will I overcome obstacles and experience more joy? These and other such questions were going through my mind the other morning as I was going through some very intense yoga routines. While I think that they are great questions the problem was that I was NOT focus. I allowed my mind to wonder; thus, me, myself and I were NOT on one accord. Committing to getting up an hour early to do meditation yoga is only working effectively for me when I am 100 percent in it. How many of you can feel me on this one? So often we are just going through the motions and then we wonder why we don't have the results (things) we envisioned. Its not enough to say tomorrow I am going to get up at the crack of dawn to exercise my body( trust me on this one). In addition to following through on a commitment, One MUST serve notice on ones thoughts. GET ON ONE ACCORD. Here's the plan.
The night before:
eat my last meal at least 4 hours before retiring for the night.
pray to my creator
turn off EVERYTHING while I sleep
These simple BUT necessary practices are KEY to turning thoughts into the things that we actually intended. Why? The brain is an organ made up of living cells. It controls the functions of the body. When we eat live foods, get quality rest and exercise our spirituality, we are energizing our thoughts in a most productive manner. Think about it. We give ourselves permission to have what we want, when we:
take pride in our divinity
eat to live
master our thoughts (at all times)
I believe when we ask anything of ourselves; our innerstanding is saying show me while you tell me.

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