It is my extreme pleasure to welcome you to Thoughts-R-Thingss. Please come often,make comments and suggestions and by all means tell others. All feedback are welcome (negative & positive).

Thank you, to those of you who have taken the time to follow THOUGHT-R-THINGS; I invite others to do the same. My desire for all of us is peace, prosperity and LIGHT; however, if its to be, it's up to the collective "WE" (working effectively)

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Before we do

Before we speak

Our thoughts are...

Things come to us in many ways; however, before they come in boxes, ceremonies and/or as charity(just to name a few) things first come as the spoken word that was birth in our soul by way of our thoughts.

Think about it. This past holiday we got exactly what our subconscious mind stayed on. Things may not have come in the way we envisioned, asked or intended; nevertheless, our subconsciousness delivered to our consciousness exactly what our self -esteem believed we truly believed we deserved. It is called universal (spiritual) law.

The universal law of thought is no respective of person. It is totally governed by the work we have put into out self-image. We attract the thing(s) which we are (proverbs 23:7).

Therefore, BeLoved let's work together to get the things we truly want NOW (newness of wisdom), by:

  • nourishing our blood, tissues and cells with live food

  • meditating on universal laws

  • speaking truth that empowers

If its to be; it's up to the collective WE (working effectively)


  1. I am quite impressed by your observation about, we are our thoughts. I am in total agreement with you . . . Our subconscious minds do control our cognizant thoughts. So many people doom themselves with their negativity about themselves, there surrounding and the people to whom they listen. Even the most positive of us will succumb to negative thoughts, if they are constantly bombarded with you can't, that's impossible or why don't you give up. In most people the whiner is usually stronger than the winner. So your words of empowerment are undeniably a means to rise above that which tends to draw people into the pool of negativity. By nourishing our bodies with the natural nutriments, we become more attuned to our inner self and we're then in the right frame of mind to aware of the physically negative things we digest and those that effect our bodies outwardly. Meditation is the purest form of healing, through the generation of positive thoughts and you therefore allow the winner in you overcome the whiner in you . . . thereby allowing your subconscious to generate the positive thoughts and ideas you need to succeed in life and therefore live life to the fullest. Then once your subconscious mind gets use to generating those positive thoughts and feelings, your conscious mind will begin speaking the truths that empowers not only you, but loved ones, friends and associates as well. Because through your positive manifestations, you will show other how to empower themselves as well . . . Thus creating a surrounding positive atmosphere. This will come to past, because you will not allow the negative to disrupt your inner peace. My sister, you are a wise woman who has a lot to offer. I believe I have told you this before . . . And your words of wisdom up here just emphasizes that fact. I hope many will view this blog and realize that they can empower themselves to achieve anything that they sincerely believe. Speak on, Lovely Lady. I look forward to more offerings from you.

    Your Friend Always,
    Gregory Pope

  2. It is always better to be yourself-to be "phony" is way too difficult. I know I am being myself all of the time. My facial expression gives me away, when I've lost interest it shows-then I politely excuse myself. Or you can read the person you are being engaged by-when they look around or move to the right or left or take a seat-it is time TO MOVE ON. Don't overstay your welcome, and you'll be welcomed back.
