It is my extreme pleasure to welcome you to Thoughts-R-Thingss. Please come often,make comments and suggestions and by all means tell others. All feedback are welcome (negative & positive).

Thank you, to those of you who have taken the time to follow THOUGHT-R-THINGS; I invite others to do the same. My desire for all of us is peace, prosperity and LIGHT; however, if its to be, it's up to the collective "WE" (working effectively)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

What This EASTER Means to ME

WE WHO ARE MARGINALIZED: children, elderly, "sistahs", and the poor. We are mockingly managed because we don't fit the mold set by an egotistical standard. And...yet, among the above group some RISE to exhaled levels...because they refuse to wallow in self pity, give into the negativity or become victims. Instead they resurrect that which is True, Positive & Righteous. In order, to have a resurrection; there MUST be a crucifixion. And in order to have a crucifixion, we must have a martyr and a mob. In Biblical times it was Jesus(martyr) and the Scribes, Sadducee & Jews(the mob). In the 60s it was the Civial Rights Movement(martyr) verses the Establishment(mob). Today its Peace vs Prejudice. A martyr is cold heartily crucified in order to be made an example of by a mob. Treyvon Martin was made a martyr when he was hunted down and murder in cold blood, simply because his shooter, didn't want "them, to continue to get...". The hate that must have eternally burned in the Menace to Society's soul and made him a monstrous shooter. Now those that are linked to his dis-ease cover up for his insanity. Nevertheless; history is replete with examples of whatever, HATERS meant for EVIL turns out good. Like day breaking out of night, righteousness rise and brings with it a newly waken people. I may not wear a hoodie and I sure as hell wont buy Skittles and Arizona tea...aside for the fact that there are no nutritional value in either..those that produce/promote/profit from the stuff have yet to stand with the Martin family. What I will do is give MONEY (My Own Natural Energies Yields) to organizations like National Action Network. But there are sooo many other organizations that are doing good. Awaken Sleeping Giant Its Morning Time. Organization for your consideration:
  • http://nationalactionnetwork.net/about
  • http://http://www.fabgirl.org
  • http://www.overgroundrr.com
  • http://www.radkids.org/locator/index.php
  • http://keepgeorgiasafe.org/our-mission
  • http://www.facebook.com/fabgirlinc#!/pages/Drum-major-robert-D-champion/273247722732304
  • http://itsaboutme.net
  • http://www.lailaali.com/philanthropy
  • http://www.bigkidzfoundation.org/

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you Mommy! I love it. So glad I listened when I was told to choose you!

