It is my extreme pleasure to welcome you to Thoughts-R-Thingss. Please come often,make comments and suggestions and by all means tell others. All feedback are welcome (negative & positive).

Thank you, to those of you who have taken the time to follow THOUGHT-R-THINGS; I invite others to do the same. My desire for all of us is peace, prosperity and LIGHT; however, if its to be, it's up to the collective "WE" (working effectively)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Health Care ReFORM begins with US (Part 1)

How WE think of OURselves is more important than how others think of US.

Therefore, what we feed our liver, adrenal glands, and heart is crucial. We feed these vital body systems by what we hear and see, as well as what put into we OUR mouths . If you want to change your situation start with what you feed your inner-systems.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

What WE Resist Persist

I like acronyms. They remind me of my commitments, resolve and /or aspirations. I have listed a few of my favorite. I hope they bless you as much as they have me and by all means share some of your own acronyms with US (unifying spirits) that have gotten you from point A to point B.

What have I fed my Soul?

Is Procrastination Holding me back?

I determine my own destiny

Along with these mindsets I have a plan and purpose if you're interested let me know would love to share the journey with you