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Thank you, to those of you who have taken the time to follow THOUGHT-R-THINGS; I invite others to do the same. My desire for all of us is peace, prosperity and LIGHT; however, if its to be, it's up to the collective "WE" (working effectively)

Thursday, December 16, 2010


We (Working Effectively) can learn a lot from kindergartners. I have spent the last three weeks teaching (learning), giving(receiving),guiding (following) and protecting (healing) a group of five and six year olds. They represent our future. I saw, through them just how WE as adults become ...selfish, needy, stubborn, sexually insecure, liars and the list goes on...This list is comprised of attributes that cloud our self-esteem, peace, joy and love.

I am a loving person. I have learned how to dance like no one is looking, love like I've never been hurt, lied to, nor disappointed. The truth is that I in the past allowed people to cloud my light because I wanted, needed, or envied something about the arbitrators. I have FINALLY matured in LOVE. It started with changing my eating habits, re framing from watching too much tv, while at the same time reading and taking classes on Universal Laws and FORGIVING FAMILY MEMBERS FOR EVERYTHING and BLAMING THEM FOR NOTHING.* Next, that forgiveness had to extend to (would be) lovers, friends, employers (employees), including other cultures. What I know for sure is: Taking these( not so) simple steps ALLOWS Spirit to begin to remind me that as HER creation we ALL come from LOVE. GOD IS LOVE.

God ordained me to share my journey with those 18 people...who at the tender, yet teachable, stage of kindergartners already have experienced mammoth disappointments, discouragements, and of course discrimination of all kinds...MOSTLY starting with FAMILY and other people who look like them. It was sad to hear children talk about how they have never seen their daddy, how they came to school without anything to eat, sad because their cat died and nobody noticed..these are JUST A FEW of their heart wrenching experiences. I was glad I was there to give them HOPE, ENCOURAGEMENT and LOVE. I believe seeds I planted into them WILL, HOPE and SPIRIT will reproduce in order that they too will dance like no one is looking and LOVE LIKE THEY NEVER BEEN HURT.

I just wished someone like me had reached out to many of the adults I meet who are still hiding a little kindergarten's unrequited love.

1 comment:

  1. I think this blog is right on point. It's true that too many of our young people learn disappointment long before they learn even how to read or write. It's sad that our young people meet uncle Tom, Dick and Harry before they meet daddy. They suffer poor diets before they learn what a good diet is all about and it's too bad that they learn about a good diet only after they have had a massive heart attack. Keep up the good work Cooky.
